Help Spread The Word!

Vocab-T is innovative, high quality, and affordable. Share this video with a teacher, student, school, or parent. We do the rest!


Other ways to help

Vocab-T School
If your school is currently in the program, include this icon on your webpage. It’s a great way to show your students, parents, and community new ways in which you are helping educate tomorrow’s leaders.

Vocab-T School

Vocab-T Scholar Pride
At the beginning and end of each year over 100,000 students take our Vocab-T assessments. We make sure that our assessments are rigorous. Not many students achieve a score of 94% or higher. For this reason we highlight these students by sending their parents a nice letter explaining their students’ accomplishment along with a bumper sticker. If your child is one of these outstanding students, be proud and share with everyone what your student has accomplished

Vocab-T Scholar Pride

Become a Vocab-T Ambassador
If you are a teacher, or if you are active in your community and would like to share the Vocab-T program with the schools in your area, we would love to make you a Vocab-T Ambassador. This can be done on your free time, it is easy, and you are compensated for your efforts. Interested applicants can send an email to with “Vocab-T Ambassador” in the subject line.