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A PE Teacher
People often say “vocabulary words on PE shirts. What a great idea!” Although the compliment is flattering, we are quick to mention that Vocab-T is much more than words on shirts. Simply putting words on PE shirts is not our goal. In fact, Vocab-T ‘s are merely a medium used to accomplish a much more important objective—student achievement
What we do for Teachers
- We provide teachers with an additional tool that is accurate and informative without adding to their work load.
- We make sure that concepts being taught in the classroom are being re-emphasized for an additional hour each day.
What Teachers are saying
Christina DeSanto
SBRT & Teacher of the Year 2013
Working with Vocab-T has created a unifying theme on our campus. Every student wears the Vocab-T shirts during PE and whether or not they know… our kids are learning those vocabulary words. Through the years, our students’ vocabulary usage has gone up not only in their writing, but in their speaking as well. It’s the funniest thing to walk on campus and hear them using Academic Vocabulary in their everyday conversations. Thanks Vocab-T!
Marina Duff
As a Teacher-Librarian, I greatly appreciate the Vocab-T Program which extends vocabulary development beyond the English classroom and School Library setting in a fashionable and innovative way. Daily exposure and practice using high-frequency words is key to literacy development. Analyzing the vocabulary post-assessment results and then tailoring the new word lists to our students' needs each year makes this program from 'One Stone Apparel' unique and beneficial to our students' academic growth. It is a pleasure working with a company that makes clothing such an effective and creative instructional tool!"
What we do for Administrators
- We provide a way for administrators to ensure common core concepts and school based initiatives are surrounding their students
- We enhance the learning environment at the school site and aid each of the subjects being taught.
What Administrators are saying
Richard Alvarez
Vocab-T has done a great job at molding the program to fit our students needs. The concepts being taught in the classroom are now continually focused on throughout the year for an additional class period. Having Vocab-T is like having an additional staff member that has our students best interest in mind.
Edward Colacion
The Vocab-T Program has been thriving for four years at our school creating a culture of vocabulary development and literacy school wide. The Vocab T program allowed our school to target science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics key vocabulary and concepts that support our transition to the implementation of the CCSS. Physical Education teachers and students take on a key role in the implementation of our school wide literacy and numeracy initiatives. We highly recommend schools to consider this program to support the instructional shifts to CCSS and non-fiction vocabulary development.
Peter Hastings
Vocab-T is a no brainer. Not only does it re-emphasize common core principals but the data they provide is extremely useful.
Esther Gass
Assistant Principal
This program is one of the more innovative we have implemented at our school. Although it seems rather simple at first glance, the data analysis they provide and constant changing of words based on student progress is what puts Vocab-T heads and shoulders above any apparel company
Myrna Brutti
Vocab-T has truly help to changed the learning culture at our school. Students, staff, and parents appreciate the innovative use of P.E. clothing and the way in which it aids our students in their academic development.
Fern Somoza
The Vocab-T program encourages students to research their words, and wear them with pride!
What we do for Parents
- We gear each schools Vocab-T’s to meet their students needs
- We send the parents of students that score 94% or higher a detailed letter explaining to them how special their child is, and let them know that their student is not only at the top of their class but that they are also college bound. Included with the letter is a bumper sticker for them to show their student just how proud they are!
What Parents are saying
Rosie B.
Vocab-T is a clever way to help student. It means a lot to me that the local schools my children will attend are implementing new innovative program such as Vocab-T
Marcel H.
Community Leader
It’s great to see that a business that deals with schools actually cares about the students it is serving. At an age in which many students find it hard to want to learn, Vocab-T accomplishes it without them even trying to.
Andrea A.
We as parents love seeing our kids on the school yard in Vocab-T's. They are vibrant and educational, all at the same time. We are proud to be a Vocab-T school!
What we do for Students
- We provide teachers with an additional tool that is accurate and informative without adding to their work load.
- We make sure that concepts being taught in the classroom are being re-emphasized for an additional hour each day.
What Students are saying
Tevesi T.
It is an easy and fun way to learn. Some of those words I will remember for the rest of my life!
Edgar E.
I remember a lot of the concepts on the Vocab-T's without even trying to. Seeing them every day really makes things stick in your head.
What we do for Bookkeepers
- We extend net 90 terms to all schools allowing them a chance to sell their clothing, recoup their money, and then pay us back.
- We remain competitive in pricing with apparel companies that provide plain old PE uniforms so that it is a “no brainer” to switch
What Bookkeepers are saying
Gladys Liggins
ASB Bookkeeper
New vocabulary can be taught where you least expect it!
Assistant Financial Manager
The quality is excellent, pricing is excellent, and our students are learning. It’s just a great program!
Financial Manager
Doing business with One Stone is easy and fast. From their prices, their art work and the quality of their product One Stone is the best apparel company I've worked with. One Stone is my school's silent partner.
What we do for PE Teachers
- We believe firmly in the importance of physical education and incorporate physical fitness, biology, and other PE related concepts on the Vocab-T’s
- We help other teachers and individuals see the value of time spent in P.E. class.
What PE Teachers are saying
Stephanie Sasaki
Physical Education Teacher
As a National Certified teacher, I routinely research and experiment with methods to increase my students' academic achievement. Vocab T's provides a quality product and service which, I believe, will make a significant improvement in my student's academic language acquisition.
Susan Osendorff
Physical Education Teacher
Vocab T's are one way the Physical Education Department can contribute to the academic culture of the school, create an atmosphere of learning and assist in the shift from current academic testing to the era of common core. The program is easy, risk-free and the results from pre to post test are easily understood and relevant to our course of study
Kathy Ondler
Physical Education Teacher
It is so exciting watching students learn as they are exercising. From
lining up for roll call, running laps, or just playing sports. At our school this is a very popular program that students parents and staff especially love.
Jen Zingg
Physical Education Teacher
Vocab-T has a brilliant solution for blending language arts and physical education. Go figure! Words and definitions on the back of PE shirts- what an effective way to reinforce words and concepts students often struggle with. And the best part is that PE teachers just give a quick pre and post test via bubble answer sheets that are delivered to our school. The genius program can only help to raise vocabulary and test scores. Way to go Vocab-T!
David Hastings
Physical Education Teacher
Vocab-T always come through for us. They turnaround orders quickly and have helped us incorporate our goals as a sports academy across the entire school. This is one of the most innovative programs within physical education and I recommend it to everyone I come in contact with.
Kyle Morrison
Physical Education Teacher
From the perspective of a physical education teacher Vocab-T is simply a must. It's great to see the impact is it having on our students and creates additional value to students dressing out for P.E. class.